
Friday, July 23, 2010

Nepal Temple Dancer

This is watercolor on 9" x 12" 140lb. cp paper.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mother and Child

This is charcoal on sand colored canson paper. I loved this photo from a travel brochure of India/ I made a charcoal drawing from it.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Charcoal on Charcoal

Just completed this one yesterday-10" x 8" oil on canvas.
I found a bunch of photographs I took years ago,and I realized I could make paintings out of them too. This is my "oldest"-Charcoal looking at some of my own paintings I had propped up against a wall-he really was posing like that!..hehe

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Rockabilly Weekend

I just finished this's 6" x 8" oil on canvas,and it's from a photograph I took a few years ago when my then boyfriend and I went to Vegas for the Viva Las Vegas car show.I grabbed this shot just as this couple was leaving the show.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

These are 4 paintings I'm working on at the same time-I think I do better when I'm working on more than 1 at a time..I'm trying the Zorn limited palette method on these-titanium white,cad red light,yellow ochre,but instead of ivory black ,I'm using lamp black plus ultram blue. as an extra.
Almost done...just gotta' stop procrastinating..hehe

Friday, July 9, 2010


This is a commission I just finished for a friend of mine...and this is his doggie Luke-border collie...
It's watercolor on rough(can't remember if it's 140 or 300lb.) paper..8.5" x 11"..